Tips To Instill Confidence In Your Child - baby and child solution
12:37 AM
Harni Kusniyati
Tips and Trick
Parents always want their children to be the best they can be. That's why it is essential to develop confidence in your children early on. This is to ensure that they would be able to pursue anything that they have in mind with strength and security. As children are often dependent on their parents' for approval and permission, it would greatly pave their way into independence and pursuing their dreams when parents have nurtured confidence in them at a young age.
Applaud them for Doing Good
One of the simplest things to do to boost your children's confidence is to praise them for doing good deeds, or doing well in school. Even small things like thanking them for helping water the plants or applauding them for improving on their grades even if they don't get top marks will definitely instill a sense of satisfaction in doing good things. Praising your children would also show that you are proud of what they have accomplished. In doing so, confidence is instilled as the children are being valued for doing the right things, which would motivate them to continue doing such in the future.
Pay Them Enough Attention
Another thing that a good parent can do to boost their children's confidence is to pay them good attention. Whether they get a star on an art project in class or even managed to stack up a pile of bricks neatly, you have to listen to them go on about how it made them feel great for such small achievements. Be sincere, as children would sense if you aren't. Listening intently will also be a good idea, as it shows children that their views and opinions are being valued, even if they are still unaware of such things. It will help them develop their verbal skills, and will develop a good line of communication between them and their parents.
Make Them See Their Potential
Raising children in a light that makes them see their potential is the best way for parents to ensure that they would have children that would grow up to be great adults. It is essential that you take good care to motivate your child into understanding their self-worth at a young age.
Support Them Every Way You Can
Encouraging your children to pursue things that they are passionate about will definitely instill in them trust in you and self-confidence, thereby helping them develop skills that will make them excel in whatever they want to pursue. Whether it is playing music, doing art, or acting, you should also make sure that you are behind them every step of the way. This will show them that you believe in what they are doing, and in turn would make your children believe more in themselves.