Gestation, Pregnancy, - Baby and Child
Gestation, Pregnancy, - Baby and Child
Pregnancy is a period in which a woman carrying the embryo or fetus inside her. In many of gestation pregnancies can occur (eg, in the case of twin, or triplet / triplet).
Human pregnancy occurred during the 40 weeks between the last menstrual period and birth (38 weeks from conception). The medical term for a pregnant woman was gravida, while the people in it is called an embryo (early weeks) and then fetus (until birth). A woman who is pregnant for the first time called a primigravida or gravida 1. A woman who had never been pregnant is known as a gravida 0.
In many societies of medical and legal definition of human pregnancy is divided into three trimester periods, as a way to facilitate the different stages of fetal development. The first quarter brought the highest risk of miscarriage (natural death of embryo or fetus), whereas during the second trimester of fetal development can be monitored and diagnosed. 3rd Quarter marks the beginning of 'viability', which means the fetus can survive the initial event of a natural birth or a birth forced.
Because of the possibility of fetal viability which has evolved, cultural and legal definitions of life are often considered a fetus in the third quarter was a private. Human pregnancy occurred during the 40 weeks between the last menstrual period and birth (38 weeks from conception). The medical term for a pregnant woman was gravida, while the people in it is called an embryo (early weeks) and then fetus (until birth). A woman who is pregnant for the first time called a primigravida or gravida 1: a woman who had never been pregnant is known as a gravida 0.
In many societies of medical and legal definition of human pregnancy is divided into three trimester periods, as a way to facilitate the different stages of fetal development. The first quarter brought the highest risk of miscarriage (natural death of embryo or fetus), whereas during the second trimester of fetal development can be monitored and diagnosed. 3rd Quarter marks the beginning of 'viability', which means the fetus can survive the initial event of a natural birth or a birth forced.
Because of the possibility of fetal viability which has evolved, cultural and legal definitions of life are often considered a fetus in the third quarter is a new personal life.
* Expectant Mother
Ideally, expectant mothers are in optimum healthy condition. Habits like smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs are not necessary it should be stopped at this time. Basal body temperature will be slightly increased at the time of ovulation and ranged between 36.6 C and gradually - gradually will increase. Genetic counseling can be done by a gynecologist to determine whether a history of disease in families like hemofili, cystic fibrosis or a different type Rhesus blood group.
* Expectant Mother
Time of fertilization or conception in which the millions of sperm pair will go into the vagina and reach the fallopian tubes. Several hundred sperm to the egg will be taking out the enzyme that makes one sperm successfully penetrates the protective layer of a mature egg cell. At this time there is a change of chemical that prevents other sperm enters the egg. Sperm body that gets in the egg will break down and the cell nucleus that carries the genetic code will blend with the genetic code of the fertilized egg cell.
The sex of the baby at this time is determined by the 46 chromosomes that make up its genetic characteristics. Sperm cells and egg cells carry the genetic code of each. The egg has only X chromosomes, but sperm carrying X or Y chromosome When the sperm fertilize an egg carrying the X chromosome will form a baby girl. Another case when the egg is the sperm cells carrying the Y chromosome, the baby boy who will be formed. In this case, the candidate's father was the one who actually determine the sex of the baby.
The fertilized egg will split two into two cells, then 4 and then the cells continue to divide while moving left fallopian tube toward the uterus. Today, with a rough estimate there are 30 cell division results. Collection of cells is called a morula, from the Latin word for grape.
* Expectant Mother
Approximately 7 days after fertilization, morula will be embedded in the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium). Formally this can be said as a pregnancy. Groups of cells will mature and become blastocysts, the substance that will stimulate changes in the body of the mother, including cessation of the menstrual cycle.
* Fetal Infant
During the early weeks of pregnancy, the baby will grow fast. Every day would be a big change. In just 7 days, a cell will be a group containing hundreds of cells. Although by naked eye even with the aid of a microscope remains difficult to see, these cells have arranged themselves properly. Partially formed embryo, while others advocate a structure that gives nutrients to the embryo. How this happens remains a mystery to the experts.
* Expectant Mother
Although pregnancy can be known in isolation, but a blood test that could prove the pregnancy accurately, especially in recent weeks. This is due to the blastocyst that will issue a number of the pregnancy hormone (human chorionic gonadotrophin / hCG). This hormone can be detected in the blood. Urine can also be used to test for this hormone, but the results are not as accurate as blood tests.
* Fetal Infant
In this week blastocysts that had been shaped like a ball turning into an embryo. The embryo is divided into three types of layers which will form the three types of networks, namely:
1. Endoderm: the innermost layer which will form the lungs, liver, digestive system and pancreas
2. Mesoderm: the middle layer which will form bone, muscle, kidney, heart and blood vessels
3. Ectoderm: the outermost layer which will form the skin, hair, lens of the eye, tooth enamel and nervous system
Whole cells in each tissue are moving around to get to their seats and form the embryo's head would be tapered like a teardrop.
* Expectant Mother
The main sign of pregnancy is not menstruating approximately 2-3 weeks after conception. But the absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) can also be caused by other things. To ensure that urine tests are not necessary so the doctor can estimate the approximate due date is calculated since the first day of last menstrual cycle.
In addition to no menstrual periods (amenorrhea) there are early signs that also need attention, such as nausea, vomiting or commonly called morning sickness, change in appetite, changes in the breast, and fatigue.
Pregnancy is usually divided into periods, known as the quarter, namely:
1. First Quarter: lasted until the 13th week of pregnancy. In this period of rapid fetal development occurred. At this time also including the high risk of miscarriage.
2. Quarter II: runs from the 14th week of pregnancy until week-27
3. Quarter II: runs from the 28th week until the birth
* Fetal Infant
At this time the fetus in the womb of the mother had had a clearer form. The fetus has had the top down, left right, front and rear. In the back area there is a gap will form a curved cylindrical tube-like structure called the neural tube (neural tube). During its development, the tube will be formed by the spinal cord and brain. The top of the cartridge will be spread and leveled to form forebrain. Also at the center of the fetus will form a bulge that is going to the heart. Bulge will be fed by the blood vessel rudimentary (rudimentary blood vessels).
* Expectant Mother
At this time many women are connecting with the onset of pregnancy complaints, particularly nausea (dizziness and nausea). Usually the mothers today feel more irritable and tired than before. This is due to an increase in the hormone progesterone. Rest usually enough to help the relaxation process in face these things.
* Fetal Infant
Neural tube along the spine has been closed. At one end of the brain would have been formed that will fill the skull bones. Meanwhile, there are 2 pieces of small pigment disc-like structures that form the bowl on either side of his head. This section is called the optic vesicle that is going to the eye.
Although the baby's heart at first only a small tube, but at this stage would have been throbbing heart and will never stop until the end of life. The feet and hands will also begin to appear, as well as the tail bone will be more apparent in this stage.
* Expectant Mother
Five weeks after conception, the uterus lining, making it easier planting to soften the blastocyst. At this time the cervix. The changes that occur in other organs in the thickening of mucus plugs cervical will form a clot (plug) in the channel mouth of the womb. Later this slime will be issued shortly before the birth process, when the cervix starts to open (p. is called the show).
* Fetal Infant
In this week's changes on the body, face, and the baby's feet. Fetal digestive tract and intestines begin to form before been seen. Tail bone shape is also clearly visible but will disappear in week 10 or 11. The lungs also began to develop while the umbilical cord after the placenta will grow older. In addition it would also have been formed faces, little pigmentation of the iris in the eye and mouth holes. A week after the establishment will be your feet, it would have precisely the arm can be divided into segments of the hand and shoulder.
* Expectant Mother
Although uterus begins to enlarge, change is usually not visible from the outside. Which first detects this change in general is a doctor. The doctor will feel the enlargement when performing the pelvic examination. Usually the size of the clothes the mother began to dilate due to the tightening of the waist was started due to enlargement of the growing fetus.
* Fetal Infant
At the ends of the body that is being developed, will begin to form fingers and toes, while the arm will be slightly flexed (bent) at the wrist and elbow. On the side of his neck visible outer ears will start to grow, so too will the upper lip and the tip of the nose on his face. Will the fetus is still far from each other eye to each other, but the eyelids will begin to form around it. In the body of the fetus, small intestine seem long at all so the abdominal cavity can not accommodate. Some will stand out to the so-called fetal umbilical hernia (protrusion) physiological.
* Expectant Mother
At the time in the pregnancy hormone hCG was at the top so that the mother will experience some changes. The mother's facial skin will feel smooth and fast even though it may be a little acne as well. The mother's hair will feel dry and breasts look a little tightening, sometimes solid, or a little painful when pressed. At this time all the liquid out of the vagina in variable amounts.
* Fetal Infant
Back of the baby at this time will be slightly straightened and will be slightly shortened tail bone. The proportion of the head is still larger than the other limbs and the head is bent toward the chest. Both the baby's eyes are well developed but is still covered by a membrane sheath. Besides the baby can make small movements after his muscles began to grow and change can be seen through ultrasound. Other limbs also begun developing, such as the development of arms and fingers faster than the legs and toes. At this stage, the fetus palms have a clear boundary fingers. The five fingers seem separated from each other.